KAMIKAZE '89 erobert New York

"Kamikaze '89 is the weirdest movie you can see this week"

Einen Monat vor dem US-weiten Kinostart entzückt Wolf Gremms 1981 gedrehter Film KAMIKAZE '89 Filmliebhaber in New York. Die BAM Cinématek in Brooklyn, selbst Kultstätte des Independent Kinos, zeigt das Kultwerk mit Rainer Werner Fassbinder in der Hauptrolle des Leopardenmuster tragenden Polizeileutnants Jansen. Die New Yorker Filmkritik ist verliebt in Atmosphäre und Stil des Films: villagevoice.com verweist auf die "prophetic moments" von KAMIKAZE '89 und die New York Times kündigt ihren Lesern "a science-fiction-tinged noir awash in attitude, neon colors and Tangerine Dream riffs" an. Die schönste Kritik kommt von Adam Sternbergh, in Gänze nachzulesen auf www.vulture.com, hier ein Auszug:

"One of the great pleasures of the pre-internet era was stumbling on a lost masterpiece at your local repertory cinema. One of the greater pleasures was stumbling on a lost film that’s totally nuts. Such a film is arriving in New York this weekend, screening at BAMcinématek from June 3 through June 9. You would do well to seek it out — and if you’re hoping to see it elsewhere, some other time, good luck, since it’s traditionally very hard to track down. (...)
The best reason to see this film is as a relic of a kind of singularly wacko aesthetic vision that was possible pre-internet. The other best reason to see it is because it’s completely bonkers and entirely charming.  (...)
But Kamikaze ’89 does exactly that. It incorporates many early '80s proto-cyber-punk visual tropes, but the film on the whole is weird and wonderful in a way that reminds us of a time when, well, films like Kamikaze '89 weren’t readily available at the click of a mouse. The internet does weird so well that weird barely feels weird anymore. But here’s a film that’s truly, deeply, gloriously weird — in a way that can be increasingly difficult to find, let alone produce."

KAMIKAZE '89 startet am 6. Juli 2016 in ausgewählten Kinos in den USA.

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